Church Gardens
St. Elizabeth Winter
Bell Tower Autumn

Dear Parishioners,
I would like to update you again regarding "Project Revival" for our beautiful, historic church on Crescent Dr. Since my last correspondence to you in early September, much has been done to move this renovation project along. As you may recall, our consultant (Revival Architecture) had just completed their “evaluation & scope of work” requirements for the necessary repairs to the church building. This includes the required replacement/repair of all roofing, guttering, and drainage systems. Detailed specifications for proposals were then sent to six experienced and highly qualified national roofing contractors. Of these, three responded with bids ranging from six to nine hundred thousand dollars. After careful consideration, the parish council selected the bid from the Durable Slate Company (Columbus, Ohio) for $622,944. Needless to say, a “Capital Campaign” is required to raise such a large sum of money.
So, the next step is conducting a capital campaign. But where to begin? What's involved? How do we do it? It was quickly realized that if we were to be successful, we needed help! We soon discovered that hiring this kind of expertise could cost as much as 7-10% of the cost of the overall project. Another capital expense! But then, in casual conversation, we recently learned that a relatively new member of our parish, Mark Leggett, spent his entire career as a professional fund raiser. Mark was more than willing to get involved and has contracted, at a fraction of the normal cost, to be our Capital Campaign Consultant. Initially, he made a presentation to the parish council stating his credentials, sharing over 30 years of experience with churches of all sizes, and most importantly, outlining the required steps to a successful campaign. And as we learned from him, the first step is the process of conducting a 'feasibility study' before initiating the actual campaign. This not only evaluates the issue of funding, but also the commitment of the parish, as a family, to become involved with the various activities of the campaign. This study consists of one-on-one interviews, conducted by our consultants, with a number of parishioners. In addition, paper surveys will be sent to all parishioners. The purpose is to get your input on a range of relevant topics including spirituality, social activity, ministry opportunities, and stewardship. Although your identity will remain anonymous, your feedback will provide invaluable insight into issues and opportunities that will affect the direction and success of this campaign. This activity is scheduled to take place in January, and I strongly encourage everyone, if feasible, to participate in this exercise.
Assuming favorable results from the study, the capital campaign itself is anticipated to last about five months. As Mark has stated, a successful capital campaign is achieved through a number of proven initiatives including: Prayer, Events, Ambassadors, Communications and Appreciation. All of these things are dependent on one word . . . participation. We all have a variety of skills, and there is an enormous opportunity to lend your skills to any one of these stated initiatives.
As we move forward with this program, I will continue to keep you informed of our progress. With the help of God, and your involvement, I'm confident that we will succeed with this initiative.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Joseph Archibong