PAGE NEEDS EDITS | Religious Education


Groups for children and youth

Religious Education For Students (K-8) and Preschool Children

This year’s CCD program combines virtual instruction with in-person classroom sessions. Students in Grade 2 (First Communion candidates) and Grade 8 (Confirmation candidates) meet for in-person classes every Sunday. Students in all other grades receive virtual lessons via the Spirit of Truth curriculum and meet monthly for in-person events on their grade’s designated Saturday. All in-person activities are conducted in the parish hall with COVID-19 prevention practices observed.

CCD registration forms can be found in the next tab and the calendar is linked below.

2021 Spring CCD Calendar


Download CCD Registration Form

or simply fill out form below

CCD Registration

**If you do not receive an email from the Director of Religious Education prior to the first day of class, please contact the Rectory Office**

Child(ren) Information
Child 1


Early Registration Fee: On or Before Aug 23
$150 for 1 child
$225 for 2 children
$250 for 3 or more children

Registration Fee: After Aug. 23
$175 for 1 child
$250 for 2 children
$300 for 3 or more children

A sacrament fee of $100.00 is added to all Confirmation students to cover extra expenses. Please include this $100.00 in your tuition payment.

Please make checks payable to Our Lady of Lourdes Religious Education and bring to the office or mail to 830 23rd St. South, Arlington, VA 22202.

CCD Teachers and Aides pay no tuition!

Schedule & Location

2nd and 8th-grade students will be taught at OLOL Hall on Sundays.

Pre-K thru 1st grades and 3rd thru 7th-grades will learn virtually with our Spirit of Truth curriculum, with assignments given and reviewed by our teachers.

Supplemental monthly meetings for our PODs will be on Saturdays for 3rd thru 7th-grade students