Project Revive Capital Campaign

2 Corinthians 9:6-7

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Feasibility Study

The purpose of this study is to not only evaluate the issue of funding of the Capital Campaign, but also the commitment of the parish, as a family, to become involved with the various activities of the campaign.  The purpose is to get your input on a range of relevant topics including spirituality, social activity, ministry opportunities, and stewardship.  Although your identity will remain anonymous, your feedback will provide invaluable insight into issues and opportunities that will affect the direction and success of this campaign.

We ask that you read the Case Statement BEFORE you complete the survey.  You can print the Case Statement and survey here and leave your survey in the collection boxes at the Parish Center and the Church.  You can also pick up the Case Statement and survey at the Parish Center or Church to complete.

Everyone is encouraged to complete the survey, even those who have already been called on the phone.

Project Revival Case Statement

Project Revival Survey


Capital Campaign Update

As most of you know, our beautiful, historic church on Crescent Dr is in need of major repairs.  The "evaluation & scope of work" requirement for the necessary repairs to the church building has been completed, and replacement or repair of all roofing, guttering and drainage systems must be done in order for the 121 yr old church to maintain stability for the next 100 years.  The projection for this renovation is expected to cost $700,000.  Needless to say, a "Capital Campaign" is required to raise such a large sum of money.

Mark Leggett has been hired as the Capital Campaign Consultant and committees are forming in the initiatives of Prayer, Events, Ambassadors, Communications and Appreciation.  All of these things are dependent on one word . . . participation.  

The next step is the process of conducting a "feasibility study" before initiating the actual campaign.  This not only evaluates the issue of funding, but also the commitment of the parish to become involved with the various activities of the campaign.  Please take time to participate in the feasibility study.  Your feedback will provide invaluable insight into issues and opportunities that will affect the direction and success of the campaign.