Project Revive Capital Campaign

2 Corinthians 9:6-7

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Project Revive Newsletter 1

Project Revive Survey Results


Capital Campaign Update

My dear Parishioners and all people of God,

Every time I have the opportunity to admire the beauty of our beloved St. Elizabeth Church, it reminds me of the strong desire King David had to build a temple for God.  King David gathered the gold, silver, bronze, and iron, and planned its construction, and instructed his son, Solomon to build the temple, ensuring it would be a befitting place of worship for God (1Kings 6:37-38).  Thanks to the Kerens family and to many Davids and Solomons before us, we have inherited St. Elizabeth Catholic Church - a place fit to call a house of God.

As I write, our church is in dire need of immediate attention.  To restore and preserve our beloved church, we have embarked on a Capital Campaign named Project Revive.  The goal is to raise at least $700,000 - a huge, but noble task, one that requires the involvement of all, and calls us to dig deep into our hearts and pockets.

As your pastor, I want to thank you all for your love and commitment to St. Elizabeth.  I consider it a blessing to be your pastor and an honor and privilege to serve you.  Together, with faith and dedication, we will ensure that St. Elizabeth Church continues to be a beacon of faith and history for generations to come.  This is our chance to heed the call of faith, embrace the challenge, help restore and preserve the magnificence of St. Elizabeth, and write our names in the annals of history.

So, join me - let us revive St. Elizabeth!

Fr. Joseph Archibong

Father Joseph Archibong